After the “snake bit” flight from hell, I was pleasantly welcomed home by my lovely wife. We took off for TC and the drive wasn’t bad. We arrived home and of course I was exhausted but was able to stay awake until bedtime. The “list” was waiting for me and let me tell you it was a doozy! Let’s just say I was not going to be bored while I was home.
Ok let’s do wedding shall we? The bees were buzzing madly with last minute touches and decisions on the great event of the year. Everyone was running last minute errands picking up this and that in anticipation of Sunday. Candy Temple was her usual, excited about the day and wanting to make sure everything went off without a hitch (this is an awesome woman)! Kimber was excited but you could tell she was feeling the pressure as the weatherman was predicting 40% chance of rain on Sunday. Things just kept moving right a long and it looked like it was going to be a grand event as everyone had been working so hard to make everything just perfect. Anyway we trotted right along all week and before we knew it, it was Saturday and the rehearsal. Well things became a little skewed as the place for the practice (League City Park) was inundated with wedding guests for a real live wedding in the Gazebo! What to do, well Kimber was getting a little frustrated and was more than anxious about it, but the Butler’s Courtyard wedding coordinator came through with flying colors! Gazebo, we don’t need no stink’in Gazebo, we will just use the Basketball court instead (LOL). Of course as we started gathering, the entire wedding party was still not there, I won’t mention any names, Christopher and Karen ;), but two of them were late leaving from dinner and Galveston.
It started as a festive event, all of us dressed in our Camouflage t-shirts that the bride was so thoughtful to get made for us, and let me tell you we looked “Great”! We decided to give our two late arrivals a few minutes and then decided we better get started because the sky didn’t look so great. Well we first all joined hands and Brother Grayson Glass (what a wonderful preacher) led us in a prayer. After, we were lined up on how we were supposed to stand, and how I was supposed to give her away, and so on then we did a walk through. About half way through the walk through, the two late arrivals showed up and profusely apologized for being late. No problems we continued on, filled them in on what was what and where were where and it was over. We all hopped in our cars and headed for Estebans’ Fiesta Room for the rehearsal dinner. Well it was a great night, great food, great conversation, just an all around great night and the end to a great day! Yes I can use great that many times so stop worrying about it ;). Everyone decided it was time to depart, the girls were heading to Tina’s for a sleep over so they could get up and get ready together, except for Cassie, she wanted to hang with mom and dad and make sure she got enough sleep. Meanwhile the guys all crashed at Jeremy’s place.
Back at the ranch (the Young Zoo really) we all got dressed for bed and watched a little television. The next day was set, the day would start early, decorating would begin at 10 am sharp, and we all needed to get a really good night sleep. Cassie turned in first, then the cat, then the dogs were all placed in their nice warm kennels, the coffee was prepared for the morning ritual, the doors were locked and the alarm was set. We departed for the bedroom and not more than 5 minutes after our heads hit the pillows were we fast asleep.
Sunday morning the skies were clear, the birds were singing, the dogs were barking and yes it was time to get out of bed and start the day. Usually Diane is out of bed first, but I beat her out and went and turned on the coffee. Eventually she stirred and dragged herself out of bed to also welcome the day. As she prepared to get ready to head to League City, I prepared us a nice breakfast. By the time we had finished, it was time for her to leave and I was on the phone with the bride, asking me to get Cassie over to Tina’s and oh by the way, can you stop at the dollar store and get me a bunch of hair thingy’s and some hair spray, only two or three cans should do it, “love you daddy bye”, click! Well Cassie was not expecting to go so early, she thought Kimber was going to do her hair at Butler’s Courtyard. She had just gotten out of the shower, her hair was still wet and she was still in her comfy clothes. As she hurried upstairs to get ready, Diane walked out the door, and I headed in to get a cup for the road.
Cassie and I loaded up and headed for the dollar store to procure the items Kimber needed. When we got there we found the hair thingy’s, the hair spray and went to pay for it. The lady at the checkout noticed our shirts and of course enquired, enquiring minds want to know, ya know. We thanked her for her blessing on the day and headed to Tina’s. I dropped Cassie off and was just heading to League City to help, when I got a frantic call from Diane. Two of the vases that were holding the table arrangements had broken not enough weight and she wanted me to stop by Wally world to see if I could find some clear marbles and some M&M’s for Candy. I pulled into a parking place and ran in. I was in and out within about 10 minutes which almost never happens, had two bags of different M&M’s and 8 bags of marbles. I was off once again to try and make it to League City before another phone call and another stop.
As I pulled into Butler’s Courtyard, I could see a flurry of family hauling tubs into the banquet room. The place was strewn with assorted flowers, ribbon, boxes, bags, candles, etc. I found Diane and Candy and asked what I could do. Diane started me off by un-wrapping the candles and setting them on plates. They were a big mess but successful in getting it done. By that time she said I needed to go place the order for sandwiches from Jason’s Deli before it got too late. So not more than 15 minutes on the ground and I was headed to Jason’s on Bay Area to get lunch. I arrived and ordered a couple of sandwich trays and he said it would
be about an hour, so I headed back to League City. As I arrived back I saw that the guys had shown up and the girls were on their way. I went to the Bachelor hang out and turned on the 60” big screen to see if the Cowboys were playing yet. They were just finishing up pre-game and it was time to head back to Jason’s and pick up the food. Everything went great food was delivered the girls were getting make-up on and just chillin, the guys were eating and watching the game. It was time for me to head home and get a quick shower and then back in time to walk my “precious” angel down the aisle. My work here was done and I scrambled into the VW and headed back to TC. On my entry into the house I was greeted by the lovely and wonderful Zoo, headed to the shower and was in and out in about 15 minutes. Diane had beaten me home and was just finishing up and ready to head back. I quickly dressed made sure things were in order around the house, locked the door, jumped in the car and headed back! I was just about to the highway when I realized I had forgotten my boots. So I turned around, raced in got my boots and was back on the road.
By this time it was close to three o’clock when the staff at Butler’s would be kicking the guys out of the Bachelor pad. I got there about 5 minutes after 3 and ran in to change into my Tux. Lacy was there taking pictures and helped me finagle the weird buttons, the tie. I finished up combed my hair grabbed my clothes and threw them in the car and was ready to go. I walked over to the Rose Cottage where the girls were just finishing up. Cassie and I started making some string cans for the truck when I realized that I had not charged the camera or the video camera. One thing led to another and it was time to get ready for the grand event. Kimber looked beautiful and the girls did as well. As the last of the guests were seated, we began right on time. I walked Diane down to the arbor, to light her candle and then placed her at her seat. I slowly walked back to the Rose Cottage to get the bride, carefully ascending the stairs as not to trip over my big feet. Once in place at the back of the line, the girls went out one by one until it was time. Kimber had a big surprise for a bride song and I said don’t spoil it I want to be surprised. As we walked out “At Last” started playing and it was very appropriate. As I stood there listening to Grayson talk, I thought about Kimber as she had grown from a child to a beautiful woman. Her day had come and Jeremy was the right guy I knew it in my heart. I lifted her veil, gave her a kiss handed her off to Jeremy and took my seat. The service lasted but a few minutes and it was all over. We took pictures, walked around and greeted the guests, had some great food from Red River Barbecue, danced, laughed and finished up the night blowing bubbles as they departed. As they drove off with cans in tow we all headed in to dismantle the event. With all of us working together we finished in no time, cleaning up all the areas and buttoning everything up. We got in the cars and headed for the house, the end to a great day and grand event.
Well the rest was a flurry we had vehicle problems again, so we drove the VW to Clear Lake and dropped off then headed to Abilene for Thanksgiving. We had a great time helping Cassie, Josh, Candy (Cassie’s mom) move all her furniture into storage. Thanksgiving day Cassie, her mom, and her sister joined the Young’s for lunch, some Uno and of course the Cowboys and Aggies! The trip back Diane and I stopped by San Marcus for a quick trip to the Outlet Mall and picked up some great deals. The rest of the week was getting the rest of the Honey Do’s nothing exciting about honey do lists so I won’t bore you with that, however I will tell you that I completed everyone except for one by the time I had to leave so it can be done, packed and ready to go back to the airport. Saturday was another of those “do you really have to go back” days and yes I told her it was imperative! We got there and I checked in while she parked the car and then I joined her on the roof of the parking garage for a lunch of Taco Bell. Thirty minutes later we were saying good bye at the gate, tears and all and I was on my way back and the snake bit trip wasn’t finished. A couple of days before I left I received a message from Travel that one of my flights had been cancelled and there was a change. When I arrived in Amsterdam I found out that they had changed the flight and no, they didn’t have me on the list. So they worked for what seemed like hours to finally get me and my bags re-routed through Bahrain. To top it all off I had computer problems when I went to check my email and I spent the entire 5 hours trying to diagnose it. At 1:30 Monday morning the adventure was over and I was back in my humble apartment. Sleep came easy but the frustration and experiences lingered for a couple of days. Anyway I am back and safe and working on cleaning up what was and wasn’t done while I was gone. Hope everyone has a great Christmas and I will see you in February.